Paul Farrell
Ph.D. Physics, President
Dr. Farrell co-founded Brookhaven Technology Group, Inc. (BTG) in 1987 and currently serves as president. His professional work with accelerators includes two patents; one on a method of improving the lifetime of tritium targets used for neutron cancer therapy, and another that describes a unique method of stabilizing the voltage of dc accelerators during pulsed operation, a method that improves the beam quality of free electron laser systems.
Dr. Farrell received a B.S. in Physics from The University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the University of Pittsburg.
- New York Academy of Sciences
- Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), cochairman of the Working Group on Electron Beam Sterilization of Medical Devices from 1985 to 1989, and currently a member of the ISO committee on Radiation Sterilization of Medical Devices
- Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards, Chairman, Materials Effects Sub Committee.
- American Physical Society (APS)
- American Society of Testing and Materials ASTM
Selection of Publications and Presentations
- J. P. Farrell, K. J. Hemmerich, Selecting a radiation sterilization method, (1995), Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry, 17, No.8, pp. 82-90. Canon Communications, Inc. Santa Monica, CA.
- J. P. Farrell, J. T. Allen, C. B. Williams, K. Whitham, et. al., A fully integrated 10 MeV electron beam sterilization system, (1995), Rad. Phys. Chem. 46, No. 4-6, pp. 457 – 460, Pergamon Press, Great Britain.
- J. Paul Farrell, Industrial Applications of Electron Beams and X-Rays, (1993) Electric Power Research Institute, Scoping Study RP-2662-40, to be published.
- CH2M Hill in Association with Stanley Humphries, jr. and J. Paul Farrell, Options Analysis, Machine Sources for Food Irradiation, (1988), U.S. DoE, Advanced Radiation Tec-nology Programs,. NTIS (1988).
- Noel. A. Guardala, Evan T. Williams and J. Paul Farrell A Small Inexpensive Scattering Chamber Constructed From Commercially Available Components, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B24/25 pp. 652-654(1987).
- D. Yan, J. Paul Farrell, P.M.S. Lesser, F.H. Pollak, T.F. Kuech and D J Wolford Measurement of Absolute Al Concentration in AlGaAs, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B24/25 pp. 662-666(1987).
- D. Yan, J. Paul Farrell, P.M.S. Lesser and T.F. Kuech Channeling as an Impediment to Ion Beam Analysis. Presented at Ninth Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX(1986).
- D. Yan, J. Paul Farrell, P.M.S. Lesser and T.F. Kuech. Quantitative Analysis Using the Al(p,J) Reaction, Presented at Ninth Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry , Denton TX(1986).
- K.H. Purser, J. P. Farrell Some Principles Underlying Ion Optics Design, in ION IMPLANTATION Science and Technology, J.F. Ziegler, Editor Academic Press (1984).
- J. P. Farrell, K.H. Purser The General Ionex High Energy Ion Implanter, in Ion Science and Technology, 95, pp. 3-l5, Tokyo, Japan, l983.
- S.M. Seltzer, J. P. Farrell, J. Silverman, Bremsstrahlung Beams from High-Power Electron Accelerators for Use in Radiation Processing, (1983), IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-30, No. 2, April 1983.
- J. P. Farrell, S.M. Seltzer, J. Silverman, Bremsstrahlung Generators for Radiation Processing, (1983), Rad. Phys. Chem., 22, No. 3-5, pp. 469-478, Pergamon Press, Ltd.
- J. P. Farrell, High Power Bremsstrahlung Sources for Radiation Sterilization, (1979), Rad-. Phys. Chem, l4, pp. 377-387, Pergamon Press, Ltd., l979.
- N. Austern, J. P. Farrell, K. Kabir, C.M. Vincent Effects of Imaginary Potentials in a Three-Body Deuteron-Nucleus Scattering Model, Physical Review C, l8, No. 4, Oct. l978, pp. l577-l581.
- N. Austern, C.M. Vincent, J. P. Farrell, Three-Body Model of Deuteron Breakup and Stripping II, Annals of Physics, 114, Nos. 1 and 2, Sept 1. 1978, pp. 93-122.
- M.R. Cleland, J. P. Farrell Methods for Calculating Energy and Current Requirements for Industrial Electron Beam Processing, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Applica-tions of Small Accelerators, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, l976.
- M.R. Cleland, J. P. Farrell, R.L. Malnati, K.H. Morgenstern The Use of High-Power Electron Beam Radiation for the Treatment of Municipal and Industrial Wastes, International Atomic Energy Agency, SM-l94/5-02, The Symposium on the Use of High Level Radiation in Waste Treatment, Munich, Germany, March l975.
- J. P. Farrell, C.M. Vincent, N. Austern Three-Body Model of Deuteron Breakup and Stripping, Annals of Physics, l96, No. 2, 1976, p. 333.
- J. P. Farrell The Bremsstrahlung Radiation Field of a Scanned Monoenergetic Electron Beam, International Physics Fair, Basel., Switzerland, l966.
- M.R. Cleland, J. P. Farrell D”, IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, June l965, P. 277.
- International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP) Istanbul, Turkey, (1994)
- MDDI East New York, NY 1992 Electron Accelerators for Radiation Sterilization Applications
- Pfizer Sterilization Forum Boulder, CO 1991 Advances in Electron Beam Sterilization
- International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP) Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia (1982)